Saturday, December 20, 2014

Best of 2014

Hello, droogs. I know it's been quite some time since I've posted anything (posting via Mathcore Index lately), but since there was so many good releases this year, I thought I'd throw something together. So, without further ado, I give you the first BCM best of list in 3 years. Enjoy.

10. The Divorcee - Heartfucker

If you enjoy spastic noise a la Destroyer Destroyer and Daughters, then you've found the right band. Feel like these guys and I Think I'm Having A Heart Attack should do a split.

Favorite track: Fertile Trash

9. Triumph Over Shipwreck - Forever, Ending

Such a solid debut release, bands like this give me hope for the mathcore genre. Again, sort of a Destroyer Destroyer and Ion Dissonance vibe going on here.

Favorite track: Eternal Sleep

Two of my favorite humans. A release long awaited by the band's ravenous cult following, and fans of bands like Daughters, Arab On Radar, and Heavy Heavy Low Low will definitely appreciate what they're doing.

Favorite track: Stumptown

7. Save Us From the Archon - Thereafter

Instrumental metal whimsy, and their most technically impressive release to date. These dudes make me feel stuff.

Favorite track: swallowed by waves, unable to sleep when

6. Secret Cutter - self titled

Absolutely crushing. Mathcore and sludge coming together very nicely.

Favorite track: Driftwood

5. Cult Leader - Nothing For Us Here

Gaza's newest manifestation is a force to be reckoned with. Their signing to Deathwish Inc and upcoming Kurt Bullou produced full-length is something I greatly look forward to, as this is very promising.

Favorite track: Skin Crawler

4. Casino - Revealer

So back in 2011 this band, Inside the Beehive, came along and basically had me smitten with their Sawtoothesque (TM) sound. This year, Casino has come along and done very much the same. I really love this band (as well as Triumph Over Shipwreck) for bringing back that OG mathcore and techgrind sound of the last decade. The band has the insanely high vox, crushing grooves, and head spinning rhythms that are characteristic of the genre. Oh, and movie inserts.

Favorite track:  I Am

3. Dysphoria - The Apogee

*moshes in your general direction*

Favorite track: Nemesis Shores

2. Plebeian Grandstand - Lowgazers

Everybody probably saw this coming, but this release is too nasty to ignore. Blackened mathcore? However you're inclined to label it, it's another great addition to Throatruiner's roster.

Favorite track: Thrvst

1. Seizures - The Sanity Universal

A masterpiece. One of the best written albums I've heard in a while, with such a broad array of sounds and brimming with content, as the album clocks in at nearly an hour. This band has successfully picked up where Converge left off, while taking along newer influences, like Gaza/Cult Leader (with whom they recently toured). This album is finally getting them the attention they deserve.

Favorite track: Channeler

Honorable Mentions:

CHON - Woohoo!

Congrats to one of my favorite (formally) underground bands on their signing to Sumerian Records. I have been championing this band since day 1, and needless to say, I definitely heard about them before you and am totally responsible for this signing. Yup.

IDYLLS - Prayers for Terrene

Post/noise/core. Very angry.

Sectioned - Sectioned/Shutter Split

This was only a split, but it's such a strong release. Was inclined to put it on the list just based on the track "Prodigal Scum." If you enjoy grooves a la Danza or Ion Dissonance, Pedram Valiani (also of Frontierer) has some riffs to show you.


  1. Yes sectioned rule! great split .

    1. Yes, they crush it. They've got to be the best band out of that area.

  2. Thanks for the list – nice…

    1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Hell, glad anybody gives a shit period. Cheer!
