Sometime ago I endeavored to start contributing over @ Godless Noise, but ultimately couldn't find the time to do so, nor much time for this blog (I'm sure you're starting to see a pattern here). Almost a year later I finally got around to giving Cara Neir's Sublimation Therapy a listen, my first potential submission, and it's been steadily growing on me. The Texas 2 piece seamlessly blends the nastiest grind and black metal, though there's elements of many different genres, and the drumming is absolutely batshit insane. Super clean blasts (see "You Are Missed") while still maintaining that gritty and raw production.
The band has also been fairly prolific and has a substantial back catalogue, most of which can be obtained free or for a nominal price via Bandcamp.
Horselover (abbreviated HRS LVR), which might best be described as later Daughters or Destroy All Operating Systems with more whammy pedal, posthumously released an EP last month. It's too bad, because although they weren't prolific, there was potential here.
Also, the vox remind me of my friend Doogie, from Moth Voices. Another mostly unknown and defunct act, but brilliant nonetheless.
I love Save Us from the Archon. Their guitar driven, instrumental prog-metal/post-hardcore sound has a certain whimsy, and I'm always left feeling sentimental and nostalgic for some reason. At any rate, what I'm getting at is that this band writes great music, and if you like bands such as CHON (see last post), you're doing yourself a disservice by not giving them a listen.
I know, I'm about 3 months late on this one, but it cannot be ignored. If you're into guitar porn, then this album is most certainly for you. These guys shred so hard, and this release has a new, more focused approach to the song writing. You can also nab their earlier stuff here.
A submission I've been neglecting (much like this blog), and I'm sad I delayed, because this is screamy, grinding goodness. Gas Up Yr Hearse's new split EP with Coma Regalia should please those of you who love Daughters and The Locust, featuring some really gnarly female vox.
The rest of their discography can also be be acquired on their Bandcamp.